Monday, December 16, 2013

Digital Etiquette and Cyberbullying

                Digital etiquette is being kind to others online. An example of digital etiquette is when you don’t say anything rude to others online like hateful posts or comments on social networking sites. Using digital etiquette online isn’t difficult to do, if you have nothing nice to say don’t say it at all. When you say something mean to or about a person, you’re intentionally trying to offend or hurt them. Nowadays you see meanness happening more and more on social networking sites such as facebook and twitter.

                To not be mean online you should not say anything to intentionally hurt someone’s feelings. When you’re online you need to be more careful of what you say to other people. Things that you say online can easily be taken the wrong way than how you originally meant to say it. If you’re on twitter and you tweet your friend something sarcastic they could take it as something else. Anything you say online can be misunderstood because when you’re not talking face to face things can be lost in translation because you don’t have the other person’s voice to base it off of. When you talk to someone you can usually tell when someone’s sarcastic because you hear the way they say it or how they look when they say it. Being mean online is when you’re trying to hurt someone’s feelings. Being mean online is called cyberbullying, which is when you use electronics like cell phones or computers to bully people.

(picture from google images)

When you witness Cyberbullying you are either an upstander or a bystander. An upstander is when you stand up for the person being bullied and a bystander is when you just watch the bullying happen and don’t do anything to stop it. So when you see someone being bullied online you can either tell the bully to stop and defend the person being bullied, or you can not do anything and not help the person being bullied. To stop online meanness more people can become upstanders instead of bystanders. To be an upstander when you see cyberbullying you step in and defend the person being bullied.

(picture from google images)

Friday, October 25, 2013

Digital Literacy

                Digital literacy is your ability to use and understand digital technology.  To me this means that in your day to day life you can use technology that is necessary to do tasks. Like if you need to look up an article online for a class you know how to find it and can understand what you did to find it. This in my everyday life means that I can use technology, such as a computer, and can understand what I’m doing.
Knowing how to use technology and the terms associated with technology helps you become a responsible digital citizen. Being a responsible digital citizen can help you because it has become a significant part of life. Now before you apply for a job company’s look up what you have done online; if you know how to be a responsible digital citizen and are aware of what you put online then you have a greater chance of getting a job. If you are unaware of what you put online and the consequences of what you do online then your future workplace could see it and not want to hire you. In order to become a responsible digital citizen then you need to be aware of what you do online and the consequences of what you do. If you look at what you’re doing and think that there wouldn’t be any negative consequences then you are a responsible digital citizen.

I have learned a lot more about digital literacy then I did three months ago. I learned what it actually was, how it affects people, and how some people are not digitally literate. I never knew that some people my age are not digitally literate and don’t know how to use a computer or how to use things on the computer. Usually when you think of the younger generation you think of people who can use new technology just by looking at it, or people that can easily teach other people how to use Google, or Microsoft applications. It’s become easy for people to only see that the majority of people can do or can’t do something and forget about the other small percentage of people.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Digital Access

Digital Access by lizzyybizzyy16 on GoAnimate

Digital access is having full electronic participation in society. This affects me because without having complete access to computers I wouldn't be able to keep up with my online school work.
 The digital divide in education is the divide between people with and without access to computers. The digital divide affects me because with it I wouldn't be able to stay in contact with distant friends or family. For people who live far away the internet is a good way to stay in contact with them with things like twitter, facebook, and skype. If a close relative lived far away and they were in an area without internet or computer access you wouldn't be able to stay in contact with them.

The digital divide in education is the divide between students who do and don't have full access to computers. The digital divide affects the school because the school is using more and more online resources in classes and without full access to computers you wouldn't be able to do any work which would affect your grade. The school's also incorporating more and more technology into classes. Like instead of handing out worksheets or rubrics they get posted online and you need to print them out yourself and if you don't then it negatively impacts you in the class.

Digital access and the digital divide affects students on their academic growth because without having full access to technology it can negatively impact your grade. When you have a project or an essay teachers now put the rubrics online for you to print out which saves the school paper, but if you don't have access to a computer and can't print it out it brings your grade on the project down which brings your overall grade down. This affects your future because if you apply to colleges and you have low grades you might not get in to the college you want. Also without using the technology now you won't know how to use at a job.

Some things that the education system can do to fix the digital divide in our schools are things that are making technology easier to use for deaf and blind people to use things like the internet and other devices. They can do this by making the internet easier to get to by improving the user interfaces. Or they can make equipment for internet phone calls compatible with hearing aids. By doing this it would help people that can't use the technology available at school.

Digital access affects us all as digital citizens, without technology we wouldn't be able to keep up with new technology. When you know how to use technology now it becomes easier to learn and use new technology because it evolves from the old technology.